Lucky Bitch Book Review
This self-improvement book focuses on manifestation: aligning your body and mind towards your goals. Sometimes manifestation gets a bad rap as a bit “woo-woo,” but Denise is nothing if not practical. A great read for entrepreneurs, women, and anyone ready to harness their own “luck”!
The Celestine Prophecy Book Review
The insights in this book WILL change your perspective. James Redfield has done a great job intertwining these insights into a thrilling adventure quest that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This book is the definition of a “page-turner.” My review provides my thoughts on the first six insights (there are 9 total insights in this book) and a brief on the book’s overall plot.
Becoming Supernatural Book Review
The cover of this book speaks for itself. But my review covers five of the most poignant themes from the book and gives you a larger idea of what to expect when you pick up the whole thing. According to one of my commenters, “It’s the only Dr. Dispenza book you need!”
Anywhere That Is Wild
This book tells the story of John Muir’s first walk to Yosemite, as well as the roundabout manner in which the “father of America’s National Parks” came to arrive in California in the first place. The Thomas’ have done a wonderful job compiling Muir’s journal excerpts to create this tale!
The Best Science Fiction Books of 2019
In anticipation of some new reading material in the year to come, I’ve put together a list of 10 of the best science fiction books of 2019 that you should be ready for when they are released!
My Favorite Childhood Books
This review of my favorite childhood books includes selections like The Lorax, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, The Missing Piece, Where The Wild Things Are, Thomas The Tank Engine, and five more.
The Best Selling Non-Fiction Books of 2018
This review provides summaries of five selections from the 2018 Non-Fiction Bestsellers List. It includes authors like David Grann, Michelle Obama, Yuval Noah Harari, Tara Westover, and Neil Degrasse Tyson. If you didn’t catch these books in 2018, it’s not too late!
The Story of B
This review offers insights into one of the best books I’ve ever read. Daniel Quinn’s The Story of B will make you reconsider our place in the world and the role we should be playing moving forward. Best of all, it’s a riveting story of personal exploration and what can happen when everything we think we know is challenged!
The Naked Ape: A Study of Human Biology

This review includes details on the central arguments from each of Morris’ eight chapters, from our Origins to how we interact with other species in the animal kingdom. It also includes my reasons for why this book is a MUST-READ!
The Best Selling Female Fiction Authors
This review includes brief bios on 10 of the best selling female fiction authors of all time. It also contains several book selections for each of these authors listed. I hope you enjoy!
Review of Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
This review of another Tom Robbins classic contains a brief summary, an overview of the book’s major theme, a synthesis of the book’s major catalyst, recommendations for why you must read it, and my final rating.

Lessons from Bird by Bird
Anne Lamott is the author of this insightful book of writing tips and life lessons. I’ve pulled some of my favorite tips and lessons out for a quick read that can be helpful to writers in any genre and of all experience levels. I hope you find it useful!
Three Historical Fiction Books for Teens
This review includes summaries of three fiction books for teens that are loosely based on events or figures historical significance. They are The Outlaws of Sherwood, Troy, and Old Magic. You’ll also enjoy a brief snippet from the reviewer on why I believe studying and understanding history is vital to our future. I hope you enjoy!
A Slaughterhouse Five Summary
This book review includes information on the main character, plotline, what it means to come “unstuck” in time, my favorite quotes, and a final verdict of whether or not I felt it’s worth your time!
True North Book Review
Roger Rooney’s True North is a page-turning love story set in the Vietnam War circa 1962. Lieutenant Jack Burns is training South Vietnamese troops while Tran is questioning her loyalty to the North Vietnamese Army. How will they meet? What will their encounter bring forth?
A Review of Villa Incognito
Tom Robbins’ Villa Incognito centers on American MIAs that chose to remain missing after the conclusion of the Vietnam War. Add in four generations of alluring women that share a mysterious connection to a famous figure from Japanese folklore and you can only begin to imagine the possibilities. This review of Villa Incognito will cover just enough to hook you in, but not too much to give anything away.
5 Quotes from The Tao of Pooh
This book review includes five of my favorite quotes from this selection. For each quote, I discuss what it means to me, as well as what I believe it means for the world today. I hope you enjoy!
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues Quotes
This book review contains several of my favorite quotes from this book that I’ve pulled out and highlighted for you. It also includes a brief discussion of each quote and why they’re important to me. I hope you enjoy!
A Review of The Alchemist
This review of The Alchemist (one of my all-time favorite books) includes a brief introduction to the author, Paulo Coelho, an intro to the main character and his journey, and a discussion about what a Personal Legend is and how you can find yours!
A 2018 Fiction Best Sellers List
My 2018 Fiction Best Sellers List includes brief overviews of five of the top-selling books in love and romance, adventure, and other categories, and includes authors such as James Patterson, Celeste Ng, Clive Cussler, and more.

Analyzing The Fountainhead
This review includes a description of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism philosophy, an overview of the book’s main character and his dilemma, and a final analysis of the main character’s concluding statement at the end of the book.
A Monkey Wrench Gang Synopsis
I have a tendency to find new authors and latch onto them until I’ve read nearly everything they’ve written. Right now, that author is Edward Abbey. This book review offers a general overview of the plot of The Monkey Wrench Gang, as well as a brief discussion on three of the major themes I took away from this thrilling tale.
Nonfiction Books for Adults
My latest book review provides briefs on six best-selling non-fiction books. If you’re looking for a new non-fiction selection, you need to check this out! These books are all written by amazing authors. Some focus on politics, some on crime, some on self-improvement.
Journal Books for Writing
This review details four amazing journals for writing inspiration. Journaling has been shown to have a number of benefits including, but not limited to, increased IQ and emotional intelligence, improved memory and comprehension, and better communication skills.
The Rabbit Boss
A review of Thomas Sanchez’s Rabbit Boss, which covers the history of three generations of Washoe Native Americans living in the Lake Tahoe region from the time of the arrival of the first European settlers through the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad and further development of the surrounding areas.
Desert Solitaire Analysis
Exploring some of my major takeaways from Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire, including how we experience the national parks, our need for space, and the importance of joy in our lives.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A look at one of Hunter S. Thompson’s wildest journalistic rides through deserts of Southern California and streets of Las Vegas. Themes include creating a good story, knowing when to call it a day, and how to deal with traffic cops.
A Conservationist Manifesto
An overview of four major themes contained in this book and my thoughts on how they relate to our world today. Themes include how we value nature, the cons of modern society, and the prospects for our future.
Hell’s Angels by Hunter S. Thompson
An overview of some of the major concepts in Thompson’s chronicle from his time with the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club in California and how some of those concepts relate to our contemporary society. Themes include feeling out of place at home, the difficulty of acceptance, and the dangers of immersive journalism.

The Best Tom Robbins Books
Tom Robbins is the rare author that can make you laugh out loud while you’re reading his books. This review provides a full overview of four of Robbins’ greatest masterpieces: Jitterbug Perfume, Still Life with Woodpecker, Skinny Legs and All, and Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates.